Week 1

A successful first week is now under my belt! I must say that I am surprised that there was so many other people leaving feedback through my twitter updates on my daily progress. I feel like I’m moving at a good pace through the FCC program so far and look forward to continuing this process.

Completed Items this week

Day 1: I completed cleared through FreeCodeCamp.com’s Front End Certification to the Tribute Page creation.

Day 2: Built out a basic/general Tribute Page in CodePen.io meeting the user story items.

Day 3: Worked further on the FCC process to gain some better understanding of BootStrap and went through about 10-20 different visual changes to my tribute page to see how I could put these functions to work. I also signed up for Enki’s dev app.

Day 4: I skipped the Portfolio challenge and jumped into some JavaScript items as I didn’t have much time to put into the portfolio. (Reflecting back I’ve still not done this…)

Day 5: I had very little time today as I have a group event (D&D) every other Friday with friends. I did squeeze in a bit of work though! I used my JavaScript to make a quick betting/odds system inspired by my game earlier in the day.

Day 6: I continued through the JavaScript section at FCC and spent a decent time in the help chats to make sure I was contributing as much as I could, I know I’ll be putting in requests in the future and I want to ensure I help as much as I get helped. A few of the questions I helped with actually required me to refresh my memory or jump ahead in the FCC Map a bit.

Day 7: I want to spend each Sunday (Day 7’s) reflecting back and making sure I retain some of the FCC info. I also want this to be my social day so I’ve made sure start conversations up with other coders via Twitter/Facebook (maybe a physical meetup over time). I used some of this time to invite other users to join #100DaysofCode and to join in on the Five Minute refreshers from Enki.

Continual work/forward plans

  • I’m still working to get more familiar with the GIT process (GitHub in particular).
  • Create a list of other learning tools I find in this process.
  • Finish the Basic JavaScript in FCC
  • Look into the missed/skipped “Build a Professional Portfolio Webpage”
  • Continue tweaking/playing with the D&D betting tool to make it more user friendly.
  • Keep a running log in GitHub for this weekly email (so I spend less time writing and more time thinking on Day 7)
Written on June 26, 2016